Halloween is a holiday that is becoming increasingly popular around the world. There is a growing interest in its celebration in Bulgaria as well. Halloween is often referred to as All Hallow’s Eve or All Saints’s Eve. The annual celebration was once used to commemorate deceased loved ones, including Catholic saints. Today the focus of the holiday is completely different.
There are different ways to spend Halloween. Even if you are in Bulgaria, there is no reason not to be able to celebrate the holiday in a pleasant company of friends.
The story of Halloween
Halloween, as we know it today, was influenced by the Celtic harvest festival, and researchers suspect that its roots are pagan. The Celtic holiday, Samhain, was once a sign that the harvest season was coming to an end and that winter would soon begin. The Celts also believed that the transition from one season to the next also provided a bridge to the land of the dead.
The Celts lived in the lands of present-day United Kingdom, Ireland and France. They celebrated the new year of Sauin at the end of October and believed that on the night before it, the spirits of the dead would return to earth in search of living bodies to inhabit. In fact, some spirits are said to have damaged the crop.
It used to be a gloomy and serious holiday, nowadays Halloween is much more cheerful and exciting.
Halloween traditions
In the United States and many other countries, the trick or treat is a tradition. Includes dressing in a suit and walking from door to door to collect candy. Although it is primarily a children’s event, adults can attend costume parties, carve pumpkin lanterns and watch horror movies.
The Celts created large fires and gathered around them to make sacrifices in the hope of continuing to have a fertile year. Some Celts even dressed in costumes made of animal skins to protect themselves and ward off evil.
All religions have their own way of remembering deceased loved ones, may include attending a church service, lighting candles in their honor, and sometimes even avoiding meat. In fact, the word “Halloween” itself is of Christian origin and dates back to about 1745.
Trick or treat is not as popular in Bulgaria as it is in English-speaking countries and other parts of the world, but locals celebrate in their own way.
At different times of the year, depending on the different parts of the country, Kuker’s Day is celebrated, in which people dance in the streets in carnival ritual costumes made of long-fur skins, scary masks and large
buckets on the belt emitting a loud ringing (rattling) to scare away evil forces and drive away the cold.
In Bulgaria, children often take part in competitions related to creative skills in recreating a beautiful pumpkin lantern or a skillfully made costume of negative characters from favorite fairy tales and movies.
You don’t need to go to America for a real Halloween experience. You can do it right here, in the company of friends!
XY-GIFT Halloween range
Instead of sending tricks this year, why not choose to send or bring a delicious gift box full of treats? Your friends will be happy to receive something delicious with a slight Halloween touch. Gourmet gift box full of cheerful autumn moments and Halloween design, the perfect choice for business partners, friends and family members.
Suitable for corporate events, birthdays, family parties and other events.