Forchino ” Soccer Player ” малка

Комичното изкуство на Гилермо Форчино “Soccer Player   ”


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Когато беше на осем, всички съжаляваха за Рубен Понсе.
Крачетата му бяха кльощави като две пръчки и се разтягаха,
когато бягаше. Но когато държеше топката в краката си, нямаше
кой да му я отнеме, освен ако той наистина не се спъна и падна като камък.
Баща му скоро осъзна големия потенциал на сина си, както и
липсата на мускулна сила, необходима, за да успее във футбола.
Повече от десет години баща му го поставя на строга диета от
паста болонезе, испански омлети, бъркани яйца с чоризо и богати
яхнии с нахут и много бекон. На осемнадесет години младият Рубен
беше здрав като кон, краката му вдъхваха страх и въпреки че финтовете
на бедрата му бяха малко замъглени от растящия му корем, естествените
му способности все още бяха непокътнати и никой не успя да го накара да
падне толкова лесно вече.

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Размер на фигурата: 11 x 10,5 x 20 cm.


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Forchino ” Soccer Player ” small

The comic art of Guillermo Forcino “Soccer Player ”


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When he was eight, everyone felt sorry for Ruben Ponce.
His legs were as skinny as two sticks and stretched,
when he was running away. But when he had the ball at his feet, there was no
who could take it away from him, unless he really tripped and fell like a stone.
His father soon realized the great potential of his son, and
Lack of muscle strength needed to succeed in football.
For more than ten years his father put him on a strict diet of
pasta bolognese, spanish omelettes, scrambled eggs with chorizo and rich
stews with chickpeas and lots of bacon. At the age of eighteen, young Reuben
he was strong as a horse, his legs were awe inspiring, and though the feints
of his thighs were somewhat blurred by his growing belly, the natural
his faculties were still intact and no one could make him
fall so easily anymore.

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Figure size: 11 x 10,5 x 20 cm.


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