How to give gifts around the world and what you need to know if you need to give a gift to a colleague
People from all cultures and all walks of life celebrate various special occasions and celebrations by giving each other gifts. Gift giving is a tradition known throughout the world that dates back to antiquity. It is a way to express our feelings whether they are feelings of love, joy, gratitude or gratitude to another person.
But that’s not all, it reinforces cultural traditions and social ties between friends, family and colleagues. Giving gifts is a beautiful universal act that is rooted in every culture because it helps people send special messages to their loved ones.
All over the world, people give each other presents, but in every country giving presents is characterized by its own, unique style.
In China, only even gifts are given
Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday in China, lasting about 2 weeks. For the Chinese New Year, gifts are given wrapped in red wrapping paper or the money is put in a red envelope because red is associated with wealth and prosperity. They avoid giving something in black, white or blue, as these colors are associated with death and funerals. In addition, the amount in question must have only even numbers, with the exception of number 4, as this number is also associated with death.
You will receive an unusual souvenir at a wedding in Italy
In Italian weddings, there is a tradition in which the groom’s tie is cut into many pieces and the guests buy these pieces in exchange for money given to the bride and groom. In many parts of the world, money is given to newlyweds as a wedding gift, so in Italy it is considered a fun way to give money to newlyweds to help them start their life together. Guests can keep the pieces they bought as a souvenir.
Thanks be to God in Japan
Giving gifts is very important in Japan. The Japanese attach great importance to presentation, not just content, so gifts must be well packaged. A popular holiday in Japan is the festival called “seven-five-three”, which is held every year when Japanese children aged 3, 5 and 7 are taken to a shrine and then receive special cakes from the priest. This is done as a way to thank children who have reached this age, because in the past children died before the 3rd, 5th and 7th birthday, so they can celebrate their birthday twice in one year. !! Every year is a good year for all 3, 5 and 7 year old children living in Japan.
Gifts for the Feast of Lights in India
Diwali or Festival of Light is a 5-day festival that is celebrated every year in India. It is considered to be the biggest and most important holiday in India for the year. He celebrates the feast of good over evil. During this holiday, friends and relatives exchange gifts on the 4th day. The gifts associated with this festival reflect the joy and splendor. These include flowers, new clothes, gift baskets and traditional Indian pastries.
Gifts for everyone in Russia
On the birthdays of children in Russia, everyone feels special, because not only the birthday boy receives a gift, but also all the guests at the party! The children play a game in which they choose a string, on the other end of which a gift is tied. So all children receive gifts. In the same way, the birthday boy gives sweets to all his classmates at school, so everyone in the class is as excited about your birthday as the celebrant himself.
Gifts, gifts and more gifts in the Arab countries
The Middle East is full of celebrations all year round and gifts are common among friends, family and colleagues in most cases. Arabs are well known for their hospitality, courtesy and friendly nature, which is why giving gifts is an important part of their culture. For the Arabs, it is an act that unites people and reflects their mercy and generosity, as well as good wishes for others. Occasions, including birthdays, marriages, and religious occasions, including Ramadan, Eid, and the birth of the Prophet, are celebrated with family and friends. Gifts are also exchanged with neighbors, no matter how well you know them.
In the world of corporate giftshttps://bit.ly/3TH8jzq
All over the world, in addition to gifts for loved ones, we also find corporate gifts that we receive and give at work. With them we aim to show that we value and improve our relationships with colleagues, subordinates, clients or partners. Companies and retailers have long relied on the power of gifts to provide better relationships with potential and existing customers to show appreciation to employees and partners. When used as part of your overall marketing or employee retention efforts, gifts can be very effective.
If you are looking for a gift, whether for a birthday, wedding or colleague, you can find the perfect one at XY-Gift . Here you will find a well-selected selection of luxury gifts, including:
- High quality wines and hard alcohol;
- Cosmetics and perfumes;
- Office gifts;
- Gifts for pets.
All you have to do is choose a suitable gift for the occasion, and we will deliver it to you in a luxury package, ready to give as a gift.