“The Black Swan” N. N. TALEB

The black swan is a rare or accidental event that is unexpected
and has three characteristics – it is unpredictable, has a huge impact
and can be explained retrospectively. Since black swans are unpredictable, we have to adapt to their existence (instead of naively trying to predict them) …..
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The incredible success of Google is the black swan, as well as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. For Nasim Nicholas Taleb, black swans underlie almost everything in our world – from the emergence of religious movements to events in our personal lives. For years, Taleb has been studying our nature to delude ourselves that we know more than we actually know. Why don’t we pay attention to the black swan phenomenon until it happens?
Some black swans can be avoided, others not. Rare events usually lose, but also win. Black swans turn gray when you reduce the effect of surprise.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a Lebanese-American philosopher, trader,
essayist and risk analysis specialist. Master of Business Administration
from Wharton Business School and a doctorate from the University of Paris.
Author of some of the most significant studies of risk and rare and unpredictable events with great impact – “Outwitted by chance”, “Black Swan” and “Anti-fragility”.

Weight0,570 kg
Dimensions21 × 14 cm

Technology and psychology of business, Economics


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