Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay 100ml

Jo Malone Aromatic Water Blackberry & Bay fragrance finely accentuating blackberry juice at the top, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. In the center a natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.

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Aroma of fine blackberry juice, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. A natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.


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Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay 100ml

Jo Malone Aromatic Water Blackberry & Bay fragrance finely accentuating blackberry juice at the top, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. In the center a natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.

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Aroma of fine blackberry juice, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. A natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.


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Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay 100ml

Jo Malone ароматна вода Blackberry & Bay аромат финно изтъкващ във върха сок от къпина, естесвени пъпки от касис откривайки плодов, леко кисел акцент и букова есенция. В центъра естесвена нотка на галбанум носещ растителна яркост и кедрово дърво с харизматична интензивност.


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Аромат финно изтъкващ сок от къпина, естесвени пъпки от касис откривайки плодов, леко кисел акцент и букова есенция. Еестесвена нотка на галбанум носещ растителна яркост и кедрово дърво с харизматична интензивност.

Weight0,304 kg
Dimensions4,9 × 4,9 × 8,5 cm

Възможността да се комбинират различните аромати дава наслада и подчертава вашата индивидуалност.


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Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay 100ml

Jo Malone Aromatic Water Blackberry & Bay fragrance finely accentuating blackberry juice at the top, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. In the center a natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.


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Aroma of fine blackberry juice, natural blackcurrant buds revealing a fruity, slightly sour accent and beech essence. A natural note of galbanum bearing plant brightness and cedar wood with charismatic intensity.

Weight0,304 kg
Dimensions4,9 × 4,9 × 8,5 cm

The ability to combine different flavors gives pleasure and emphasizes your individuality.


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